So I'm not sure why this is happening or what I can do to stop it, but I can't sleep. I've been sleep problems for a few months now, but in the last few days I've discovered that even when I am physically and mentally exhausted I cannot lay down and go to sleep. This past Monday I only got 2 hours of sleep that morning. I thought for sure that in the break between my 9am and 2pm class that I would be able to take a nap like I usually do. Nothing. I laid down, and I just couldn't fall asleep, even though I was exhausted. Then that night (last night) I felt sure that I would be able to go to bed and sleep for a while. I laid down at 11pm and tried to go to sleep, only having had 2 hours of sleep before. Still nothing. I laid in bed for probably an hour and a half before I got up and read some and played a computer game. I then feel asleep around 2:30am. I don't know what's wrong with me. Even now, when I had about 5 hours of sleep last night, you would think I would be so tired that I would just go to sleep. But that's not happening. Whatever is going, I am fated not to go to dreamland, at least not for very long. Maybe I should become a nocturnal crime-fighter like Batman. At least then I'd have something to do with the time during which I couldn't sleep. But I'm out of shape and I have no money to buy expensive Bat-planes and such, so that probably a no-go on the Bat-idea. Oh well. I'll figure something out.