Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Energy Levels Dropping

So everyone has those days where they can't muster the energy to do anything productive. I've been in that funk for a few weeks now. I guess I'm just not wanting to do much. I think that negatively reflects on my abilities, but it's hard to do anything when you don't have the motivation. Maybe it's my sleep schedule. I'll sleep a lot one day and then little the next. That's probably not good. I just feel tired all of the time and I don't want to do anything. So I don't. And then I get behind on things. Then I have to crawl back out of the mess and get things accomplished. It's a vicious cycle and I need to do something about it. But again, that takes motivation, so I suppose I need to motivate myself to get motivated. Try that paradox out for size. I got an unexpected honor this past Sunday. In my mailbox I found a letter from the foreign languages department. Apparently I was nominated by my Greek professor Dr. Ware to be inducted into a language national honor society, Phi Sigma Iota. I would pay an initiation fee and from then on I would pay a yearly-membership, and it'll look very good on resumes. Plus, I'll have connections for the future. So that was exciting. Otherwise, nothing much to report. Possible updates later on whether or not I can crawl out of this unmotivated funk.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Let's take a nap.