Thursday, October 05, 2006

Aye, I'm gun ta Scotland (Translation: Yes, I'm going to Scotland)

So the accent doesn't really go over well on the internet, but that's what the title was about. So tomorrow I'm leaving on a train at an extreme early hour (ok, so 7:30-ish isn't that early, but then again, it is) to go to Edinburgh. I'm going with 3 other people: Lisa, Josh, and Shaun. We all have a hostel booked in Edinburgh, and another girl from Harlaxton, Rachel, might be meeting us there. The bad news: we booked a 38-person room in the hostel. I didn't think it was such a good idea at the time, but everyone else seemed to think it was great. We didn't even really save money, as the next lowest number, a 12-person room, was the same exact price. So this will be interesting. In Edinburgh we're planning on seeing Arthur's seat, which is a natural rock formation that from the top of you can have an incredible view of the whole city and country-side. We were also planning on doing an underground chamber tour, kind of like a haunted tour I guess, although I'm not sure how many ghosts we'll encounter. Not on my watch anyway. We are also going to go to Rosalind Chapel, which is a very decorative medieval chapel near Edinburgh, I think. Another thing that I hope to see is the remaining part of Hadrian's Wall, which is a wall built by the Roman emperor Hadrian (big surprise) that formed the border between Roman Briton and modern Scotland, which was populated by the Celtic tribes. So probably no Loch Ness excursion, but hopefully I can get that in before the semester is over. I really want to get a photo that I can sell to the tabloids, because I'm actually gonna remember to bring my camera to the rest of the trips. Here at school I have some work piling up, so I'm gonna have to work a little more on time management, but it's not terrible. I just have to get motivated. Well, here's to Scotland.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Homework, ick.

I should've sent my "Loch Ness Lives" t-shirt with you to wear when you get to finally visit good ol' Nessie. ;) Although it might've been a bit small on you... and girly looking... oh, whatever. :) Maybe if you wear that shirt, she'll be appreciate and let you take her picture. Think of the fortune you could make. I mean, whoever took that blurry picture that allegedly shows her neck and head is probably a millionaire. With a clear shot, you could be rolling in green. While wearing green. Because that shirt of mine is green. :)