Saturday, September 15, 2007

Throwing the First Stone

Why as a society do we not allow people to make up for their mistakes? Why is it that when someone messes up, we automatically label them as a "bad person" and assume that they should not be a part of "normal society" any longer? Why do we never give anyone the benefit of the doubt? I don't think that term even applies anymore, because no one ever uses it. We automatically assume the worst, and the person has no chance to explain themselves, or to try and pay recompense for what they've done. People simply pass judgment and condemn the person for the rest of their lives. I don't buy into that. As terrible as humanity seems to be most of the time, we are all a part of it, whether we like it or not. It could easily be you or me that makes the mistake next time, and wouldn't we like to be given a second chance by everyone else? I believe that everyone, no matter who you are, is capable of making choices that turn out to be bad decisions. However I also believe that everyone, again, no matter who you are, is capable of turning around and making changes in their lives to make it so that they don't make that same mistake again. People are capable of change, and most importantly, we are all capable of making changes for the better. I think that's what gives me hope about humanity. I believe that everyone has that choice, everyone is capable of bettering themselves. Some choose not to take this route, and that is the decision of each individual. But I think that we can all make the world a better place by making a conscious decision to see the best in ourselves, as well as in others. Let's hold off on passing judgment until we have given the person a fair chance. If our assumptions are proven correct and the person was in the wrong, then what have we lost? But if we pass judgment on an innocent person, haven't we thrown the first stone, essentially? What gives us that right? Everyone deserves a chance, and if we do that ourselves, we will most certainly get it in return.

1 comment:

Olivia said...


(I love you, Tyler.)