Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's All Greek To Me, Really

Just thought that I would give this update. I got my first Greek Exam back today and I got an A on it! I was really excited about that. It must mean that I'm learning everything that I'm supposed to learn, and by myself, no less. Granted, I can e-mail Dr. Ware questions when I have them, and I've done so a few times, but otherwise I've been teaching myself based on the book and my previous 2 semesters. I hope I can keep this up. I'll find out how I'm doing with Latin soon, as I sent in my first mid-term today. This week has been and will be fairly lax. I have another Greek exam to do sometime this week, as well as two chapters of Latin homework, but other than that there's not much else. It'll be nice to just relax this weekend and not have to worry about the hustle and bustle of travel. Maybe I can get back to reading Plato's Republic, which I've gotten about 70 pages into but haven't read for about a month or so. That or I can start my other paper for British Studies about Roman London and how it shaped the city as multicultural. Regardless, I have some options, and I like that.


Olivia said...

I like the word "lax." It's a fun word.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, your friend Dani sounds like she is a hottie. enjoy that greek and latin stuff...word