Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Weekend of Nothingness

Not much new to report. This weekend most of my friends went somewhere, but I stayed here at the manor. It was actually pretty nice. I really didn't do a whole lot of anything. There was homework that I had, and I got that done within due time, but the rest of the time was just relaxation time. It's nice to be away from the go-go-go attitude of travel. It's nice to just sit back and do whatever I want, whether it be to read a book, watch a movie, hang out with people, or to just sit and think. It's a very nice sort of freedom. Friday night I watched some movies. Saturday I did homework, went into Grantham to take pictures of the church they have there (apparently the 6th tallest in England), then attempted to play a game called Dragon Quest in the evening with Dione, Robert, and Catrese. It was pretty well hilarious. It was a Dungeons and Dragons-type game, which none of us had much experience with. At first we were actually going to try and play it, but then we found out that it was missing some cards and a necessary 20-sided die, so we really couldn't play. After that we basically just tried to make up rules to play the game, but we never really got into playing it. Just the set-up experience was good enough, we didn't need to actually play the game. On Sunday I tried out (sounds like a new product or something) the Baptist church in Grantham, which I had never been to. I didn't go to Harlaxton church because no one else was going, and I didn't want to go by myself. The Baptist church was alright, there was lots of singing songs that I didn't know, and lots of overly-happy people. I just didn't get much out of it personally, although I'm sure for many people it is right for them. I like Harlaxton's services better, maybe because they are more simple, and there's less overkill, I guess. I like it when things are to the point, and that's Harlaxton. I don't know if I'll get the chance to go to church again. We're travelling almost the rest of the semester, but I hope that I get at least one chance to go back to the Harlaxton church. So a funny thing happened last week. I got nominated to be in a date auction here on campus. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I'll go through with it because it's for a good cause, helping British children in need. I'm not actually sure if I'm in the auction yet, as we have a meeting tomorrow, and I've heard that we find out there who's actually in the auction. There wasn't much explanation to it, so we'll see what happens. I almost wonder if me being voted in was a joke, that lots of people could've put me down as "the unlikely candidate" just to be funny. Regardless of if that's the case or not, like I said, it's for a good cause, so if I'm actually in it I'll go through with it. I'm sure it will be awkward, but I'll make it through. I also got nominated again for some Lord and Lady of the Manor competition, which I'm not even sure what it's about. Again, I'm suspicious of the nature of my being voted in, people probably just want to see the awkward guy do something, who knows. Nothing else to report, really. This weekend is Rotenberg, Germany, and I'm looking forward to it as I haven't been to Germany yet. I hear that it's nice there, so we'll test that out.


Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that Dani is not a hottie.

Olivia said...

Rotenberg is a funny name.

So is Tyler.
