Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Prelude to an Irish Adventure

So I just got done taking my first British Studies exam. It really wasn't all that bad. The best part was that it was more a matter of giving your opinion and backing it up with factual examples than just 'when did this happen?' or 'who did this?'. I like those kinds of exams better because I get the chance to use creativity and tie things together that allow me more freedom to answer a question. I think I did pretty well on it, but I'll see in a few weeks if that is true or not. I'm all packed and we are going to leave to go in town to have dinner a little after 5 and then wait on a train for a while. We are then going to spend the night in the Stansted airport. We then have a flight early in the morning to Dublin, where we will be staying until Sunday morning. It should be pretty fun, this will be my first venture outside of England. Maybe I will find a leprechaun and he will take me to his pot of gold, or maybe just to a bowl of Lucky Charms. Either way would be ok, because I miss sugary cereals so much! Well, here's to going to the Emerald Isles.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

"Emerald Isles" makes me think of "The Wizard of Oz."

(I'll get you, my pretty... you and your little dog too...)