Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just A Little Longer For Another Update

So I'm here at Harlaxton now, and I'm all moved into my room. The only problem is that I have the power adaptor for my laptop, but no power. That's right, the wall outlets aren't getting any power, probably a blown fuse; and since I used my laptop last time it's almost dead. I put in a request to get it fixed, but most likely the maintenance staff doesn't work on the weekends. So I suppose we'll have to wait until Monday for another update. I'm on a computer in the computer lab right now, but I only have a few minutes to spare before we go into Harlaxton Village (yes, we have our own village with peasants who when they get angry use their torches and pitchforks; ok, that's not true, but there is a village around the manor). If I get some more time I might be able to write a longer entry. Until then, cheerio!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Ugh, stupid outlet. !!!!!