Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday: The Day of Rest..... Sort-Of

As I said yesterday, I went to an Anglican Church service today. It was actually very interesting. The president of the college (who preached) said that it was probably closest to Catholic, Lutheran, or Episcopalian services. It was very structured and we read most of the service out of a small booklet. I liked it, although there are other local churches that I was wanting to check out, so we'll see where I end up. When we got back we ate some lunch and then did a lot of administrative stuff like turn in papers and such. We also had some meetings, one which was about security on campus. This was really bad and I almost feel asleep quite a few times. I know that it is necessary and that they have to do it to cover themselves for insurance reasons, but it was incredibly boring. Anyway, after that we had a fun boy/girl separated talk about drinking, fighting, and sex. It was another one of those mandatory things that they have to do and is just awkward for everyone involved. After that we had some free time and I walked around campus and took lots of pictures. I still haven't been everywhere, but I plan on having photos of basically everything before it's all said and done. I then had a meeting with my class and professor for British Studies. They way British Studies works is that we have a big lecture with every student here at 8:30am, and then you split up into small groups, each having its own professor. So this was the first time that the class and professor had met together. I knew a few people in my class, and the professor was a really funny and sarcastic British professor of history. After the meeting I went with tow guys from my class to see a secret stairwell. You open a corner of the wall in the Long Gallery (the room that we had the formal dinner in) and there is a set of metal stairs that goes up to the top floor and down to the basement. It was cool to see. I then hurried to catch the end of dinner and met Dani and Brandon and Sam there. After we ate (which was turkey with gravy and potatoes) I waited for a phone in the phone-booth room. While I was waiting I met a girl named Amy from Marion College in Wisconsin. We talked for a short while until she took the first available phone booth (she was there before I was, after all). I was then able to get a booth myself and called home to talk to my mom and sister. That was nice to hear their voices. I then came back to my room and got my laptop to get on the Internet. I'll be going to bed soon, because tomorrow is the first day of classes, which will be my introduction to British Studies. Fun, I'm sure.


Olivia said...

I assume "fun" is used sarcastically in most of the instances here.

So, when do I get a phone call? ;)

Anonymous said...

It was very good to talk to you too!! I am glad everything is going very well! I bet you looked very handsome in your suit!! The hidden staircase sounds really cool, I bet there are more around there too, and maybe even secret rooms!!!! COOL!! Take pictures of them for me! I love you and I will talk to you later! Have a GREAT first day of classes!! You yob!!!! (I used one of your new words!!LOL) Love Angela